About Us

Vikram Jain - The Brain Behind Shilpkala


Meet the visionary behind Shilpkala Fashions, Mr. Vikram Jain. With a profound passion for textiles and an unwavering dedication to his dreams, Vikram's journey began in 2003 when he ventured into the world of fashion and textiles. Hailing from the quaint village of Virar in Mumbai, Vikram's roots lie in a place known for simplicity and hard work, values he holds close to his heart.

Drawing from his invaluable experience in the textile industry, Vikram Jain set out to establish Shilpkala Fashions, a company that would create and trade in exquisite sarees. His dream was clear from the start, and he pursued it relentlessly.

Today, after 20 years of relentless dedication, Vikram Jain continues to infuse Shilpkala Fashions with the same boundless enthusiasm and dedication that propelled him on this journey. He stands as a shining example of what hard work and unyielding commitment can achieve.

Vikram's remarkable ability to visualize and manifest his dreams has been the driving force behind Shilpkala's remarkable journey. Under his leadership, the company has reached unparalleled heights, becoming a symbol of quality and elegance in the world of sarees. Vikram Jain, a true visionary and a testament to the power of determination and dreams. His journey inspires us all to reach for the stars and make our dreams a reality.

Our Story

At Shilpkala Fashions, our story is woven with threads of passion and a commitment to unparalleled quality. From the very beginning, our vision has been to not just create sarees but to craft stories that resonate with the beauty and diversity of Indian culture..

Crafting Elegance

Each saree at Shilpkala Fashions is a labor of love, meticulously crafted by skilled artisans who breathe life into every design. Our commitment to quality is unwavering, ensuring that every piece that bears the Shilpkala name is a masterpiece in itself.

Fashion With A Purpose:

Beyond aesthetics, we believe in fashion with a purpose. Our sarees not only adorn but empower, embracing the strength and individuality of every woman who wears them. It's not just about clothing; it's about embracing the essence of womanhood with confidence and style.